Know the status of your municipal application for building plan approval
A number of status updates are available when monitoring and tracking an application online.
These descriptions explain what they mean:
Draft Application:
Your application has not yet been submitted for processing. It is still a draft application and requires your further attention.
Proposed Submission:
Your land use application is being reviewed to ensure that the basic information requirements have been met. Please see your case ID (application number) for future interactions.
Proposed Submission Incomplete:
Your land use application has been reviewed and further information is required. Please see your case ID (application) for future interactions.
Application Verification Complete:
Your land use application has been reviewed and all compulsory documents in terms of the submission requirements have been met.
Awaiting Payment:
An invoice has been generated for payment. Check your correspondence on the case for further information on the amount owing and your payment options.
Payment Received/Submitted:
Your payment has been received and verified against your land use application.
Additional Fee: Awaiting Payment:
An additional or outstanding fee awaits payment before your land use application can proceed.
Assessment of Acceptance:
Your land use application is being reviewed in terms of the criteria for acceptance as per section 73 of the Municipal Planning By-law.
Refusal of Acceptance:
Your land use application cannot be accepted as it does not meet the acceptance criteria as per section 73 of the Municipal Planning By-law.
Application Accepted:
Your land use application has met the acceptance criteria and can now continue for further processing.
Assess Application:
Your land use application is being assessed for any potential additional information that may be required before it can proceed to the next stage.
Additional Info Requested:
Additional information and/or further requirements are being requested.
Additional Info Received:
The additional information or further requirements requested on your land use application have been received.
Application Rejected (refused):
Your land use application has been closed and deemed to be refused as the outstanding requirements have not been received within the allowed timeframe. Consult your case officer for further options.
Your land use application is being circulated for comment. Circulation of your application may involve other City departments, external government departments and the public.
Comments on and Objections Requested:
Comment and/or objections related to your application have been received and are available for your Comment/response.
Report Writing (official):
The department is compiling your land use application report.
Report Writing (MPT):
The department is compiling your land use application report
Pending Official Decision:
Your land use application report has been submitted to the authorised official for decision.
Pending MPT Decision:
Your land use application report has been submitted to the Municipal Planning Tribunal for decision.
Application Approved:
Your land use application has been approved. Remember to download your decision documentation.
Application Approved (with conditions):
Your land use application has been approved with conditions. Please refer to your decision documentation approval on the case for further information regarding appeals.
Application Refused:
Your land use application has been refused. Refer to your decision letter for further options.
You or an interested or affected party have submitted an appeal against your land use application decision.
Report Writing (appeal):
The department is compiling a report to the Appeal Authority for decision.
Pending Appeal Decision:
The appeal report has been submitted to the appeal authority for decision.
Final Notification Approved:
Your land use application decision is now finalised and you may act on the decision made.
Final Notification Approved (conditions):
Your land use application decision is now finalised and approved with conditions, you may act on the decision made.
Final Notification Approved (refused):
Your land use application has been refused.
Subdivision Clearance Circulation:
Your application for subdivision conditions clearance (section 137) has been circulated to the relevant City departments for confirmation.
Subdivision Compliance Issued:
Your application for subdivision conditions clearance (section 137) has been granted and a certificate has been issued. Kindly refer to the correspondence on the case.
Subdivision Compliance Refused:
Your application for subdivision conditions clearance (section 137) has been refused. Consult your case officer for further options.
Application Pending:
Further action is required, and your land use application has been pended until those requirements are met.
Application Closed:
Your land use application has been recorded as incomplete and you have not satisfied the call for response within the timeframe provided. This application is now closed.
Application Withdrawn:
You have successfully withdrawn your land use application.
As per Information provided by COC e-services